Stories matter.

That’s why I spend my time writing, reading and helping others produce them.

My name is Luke and I’m a writer from the west of Ireland. Novels are my passion, but I’ve written songs, stories, a play, a screenplay and a drawer-full of poetry (some of it good, much of it bad). I’m a husband and a father. My degree is in Creative Writing. I believe we need to spend less time staring at 7 inch LED screens and more time tramping around forests and growing carrots, but I haven’t quite worked out how to make that happen in my own life yet.

If you’d like to read my writing, you can find some of it here.

If you’re interested in the book of essays by brilliant Mayo teenagers I helped produce, you can find information on it here, a news story on it here, social media for it here, and the Creative Ireland page here. If you’d like your school to avail of the programme, shoot me an email and we can discuss.

If you’d like to contact me to collaborate, for editing services, or to find out more about my Short Story Course, you can do that here.